This article may help you ; if you are struggling to integrate SVN to XCode.
Being a hardcore Microsoft lover It was not very easy for me to work with IOS and Mac OS X versions when came from a hardcore Microsoft background . It was the most terrible decision to carry a Mac machine to client site instead of my very own win 8 machine . But the scenes awaited were more terrific than expected . Imagine using a MAC machine to do your regular windows stuff
. Situation was pathetic for couple of days . But there was no other option other than to live with it ; third day onwards started finding workarounds and little tweaks . Here I am listing down one of the issues faced during that time and the fix for that .
Please follow the below steps only if you only wanted to seamlessly integrate SVN with X Code
Step 1: Navigate to Applications folder and locate X Code
2. Right click and say “Show Package Contents”
3. Navigate to /Contents/Developer/usr/bin
4. Open terminal and paste the svn executable path
5. Execute the SVN check out command and you will get a certificate error prompt . Accept the certificate permanently by typing (p) and hit enter
6. The code will be downloaded to the directory path selected in the terminal . Now open the project in XCode and you open the Source Control menu . You can see the source control menu items enabled
Happy coding !